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 New rule?

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3 posters

Should we start a "3 reds and you're out" rule?
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 100% [ 6 ]
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Total Votes : 6


Posts : 92
Join date : 2008-06-21
Location : Errrrrr, here?

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PostSubject: New rule?   New rule? Icon_minitimeWed Jul 02, 2008 11:01 am

It has occured to me that activity isn't at its peak lately, with a lot of members on yellow or red dots. The current activity rule is that any member who beomes grey is to be removed fromt he alliance. BUT someone could just end up only going as far as red and the going on again, therefore not being punished for long inactivity.

So i propose that we start a new rule:

Three red dots and then you are removed with a message explaining why.

Just vote in this pole or, if you want mak,e additions to the rule and we'll see where this goes!

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Posts : 33
Join date : 2008-06-15
Location : Hell

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PostSubject: Re: New rule?   New rule? Icon_minitimeFri Jul 04, 2008 1:38 pm

i say 2 reds and your out, but that might be a bit harsh for some people out there. Because if your part of this alliance you should be active and should have a sitter anyway, and if your sitting for somebody, and there account goes yellow then as soon as you can, log on for them to put them back to green. There is no excuse in the first place to go red! Evil or Very Mad
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PostSubject: Re: New rule?   New rule? Icon_minitimeSat Jul 05, 2008 2:08 am

You're right, while 2 reds and out is harsh it is still fair as some people don't take activity seriously enough, they're not exactly team players. I've sent out a few red dot warnings lately, I'll keep record of them and they'll count as the first strike.
Out of 25 members, we have had 5 people vote Mad hardly a representation of our entire alliance! If we do 2 reds =>kick with chance to get back in, and then one final red => kicked FOREVER.

What do you think?
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Posts : 16
Join date : 2008-06-18

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PostSubject: Re: New rule?   New rule? Icon_minitimeThu Jul 10, 2008 2:44 pm

Yeah, I agree. If they go red twice, theyre not taking the game seriosuly (Or as serious as you can) and theres really no point of them being in the alliance if they don't bother to play often.
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PostSubject: Re: New rule?   New rule? Icon_minitime

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